- Procare
- Technical Support: estech@procaresoftware.com
- EZChildTrack
- Technical Support: https://www.ezchildtrack.com/AdventureClub/Support.aspx
- Eleyo
- Technical Support: https://learn.eleyo.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
- SmartCare
- Technical Support: Support@smartcare.com and Phone: (844) 762-7837 Option 2
- Brightwheel
- Technical Support: support@mybrightwheel.com
- Luvnotes
- Daycare Works
- Schoolcare Works
- Technical Support: scwSupport@procaresoftware.com
- ChildCare Sage
- Phone: (866) 842-7806
- ChildWatch
- Phone: (800) 824-7741
- EZCare
- Phone: (215) 628-0401
- Tadpoles
- Technical Support: techSupport@teachingstrategies.com
- Early Learning Ventures
- Wonderschool
- Documentation: KinderConnect Integration Process – Wonderschool
- Contact: Wonderschool (zendesk.com)
- KinderTales
- Playground
- Technical Support: Daniel Andrews daniel@tryplayground.com
- Lillio (Formerly known as Himama)
- Technical Support Email: support@himama.com Phone: 1-844-975-1275
- Famly
- Technical Support: https://www.famly.co/us-support
- DailyConnect
- Technical Support: support@dailyconnect.com
- Arux
- Technical Support: toms@aruxsoftware.com and joe@arux.com
- 1core
- Technical Support: simonho@1coresolution.com
- Lineleader
- Contact: 1-866-306-1985 Email: support@lineleader.com and Teddy Hook: thook@lineleader.com
- iCare
- Contact: ashutoshs@icaresoftware.com and umesh@icaresoftware.com
- Kangarootime
- Contact: josh.peterson@kangarootime.com
For KinderConnect - please dial 1-888-829-9258 or email us at supportLA@kindersystems.com for further assistance. Support staff at KinderSystems are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM Central Time.
For EdLink Support issues - please input an Edlink Ticket at https://edlink.supportsystem.com/open.php and one of our Edlink team members will gladly assist you. Support staff are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central Time.
Additional Contact Information